Outboard Winterization Checklist

Outboard Winterization Checklist

Summer has officially ended, which means it’s almost time to say goodbye to your boat for the season. But… there’s more to do than just smile and wave.

Getting your boat ready for winter requires quite a few steps — all done to keep it in the best condition possible. Through freezing temperatures and fearful weather, winter can wreak havoc, but not if your boat is properly protected.

Ignition System

  • Inspect distributor caps, rotors, points and condensers for excess wear and deterioration.

Electrical System

  • Inspect all electrical connections, wiring, lights and fuses for proper operation and performance. Replace and repair as necessary.

Fuel Systems

  • Change Fuel Water Separating Filters.
  • Inspect/ change all other fuel filters.
  • Stabilize Fuel-Use a fuel treatment designed for today’s ethanol laden fuel
  • Fog engine

Cooling/ Drive Systems

  • Remove Drive-inspect/replace impeller
  • Check alignment/ replace outdrive gaskets
  • Replace gear lube/ inspect and replace drain plug gaskets as necessary.
  • Inspect/ replace anodes
  • Lubricate all applicable fittings
  • Inspect all belts and hoses for cracks, swelling or any other visible signs of fatigue.
  • Flush engine with fresh water and drain.
  • Inspect for leakage within the cooling system.
  • Circulate antifreeze through engine block and manifolds.

Outboard Engine

  • Hydraulic steering-check the system for any visible signs of leakage or corrosion, fill system with SeaStar steering fluid and check to ensure the system is purged correctly.
  • Mechanical steering-check the system for visible signs of corrosion. Ensure that system operates freely.


With a few hours of your own time and few inexpensive parts, you’ll have your boat in great shape for an easy and quick launch in a few short months. Your boat is a deserving investment to look after, so don’t skip any of these important maintenance standards. If any or all of the winterizing process sounds like it’s not for you, SSI MARINE has a skilled team of technicians that will be happy to help you out with any pleasure craft or commercial marine service. Contact us today to start finding your marine engine parts.